This Unique Time in Life...
...requires its own section of my website.
Tweens and teens are undergoing a massive transformation, internally and externally. They are observing the world as individuals and trying on pieces of WHO they want to be. It's a becoming. It's also the age of big celebrations. Everything from First Holy Communions, to Bar Mitzvahs, to headshots for school plays and yearbooks, to Proms and Graduations happens.
This is the time when parents begin to realize that their children are becoming their own individuals. It is the time when these individuals are learning to understand who they are. As the mom of an 11, 16 and 18 year old, I'm with you. I'm sending the 11 year old off to middle school and hoping she's accepted and accepting. I'm sending the 16 year old out with his friends and feeling so grateful that he has found his tribe. I'm also looking out the window, hoping for his safe return when his new-driver friends take him out. I'm with you as I watch my 18 year old reap the benefits of hard work and dedication as she shares her college acceptance letters with me, and I'm with you when I lie in bed reviewing a checklist of things I hope she knows for sure about living on a college campus in just a few short months.
I was with you through the tiny baby days, and I'm with you now.
If you need to capture photos of a big celebration, or if you need to see your child lean away from Social Media and into who she is with our She is Loved project, I'm here.