She is Love(d).
This is a most meaningful project that will use words, images and video to help girls focus on who they are, and to pull them away from the immediate gratification of self esteem through Social Media. My experience as an educator, my work studying affluenza and its impact on adolescents, and my compassion for girls who seem to have lost a piece of themselves will help me use my gifts as a portrait photographer to inspire and motivate girls, who will create a tangible piece of art that includes words and photographs to remind herself of who she is when she turns away from social media to tune in to herself. This is a dream come true, it comes straight from my heart, and is the ultimate culmination of my life's passions and gifts.
Juhi's Video
This video shows a sampling of images and words from Juhi's She is Love(d) session.
What, exactly is this She is Love(d) project?
A commitment between your daughter and you...and a little bit of me.
What If?
What if the only follower she needs is herself?
What if the only "likes" she needs to collect are her own?
What if she tunes in and listens only to her own comments?
What if this isn't a modeling opportunity or a chance to become an instant success?
What if, all she needs right now, is to fall in love with herself?
What if she can shift from selfies to soulful?
What if?
Let us create a tangible piece of art that shows HER who she is.
Breathtaking images that, in an instant glance, describe the depth of who she is.
Her words, our photographs, in a timeless piece of art for only HER. A legacy.
Creation, with my guidance, without her cell phone to search for ideas.
A pact. Between you, me and her, that she won't share these images for social media's approval for at least a year, if ever.
What if she saves this art and shares this piece of who she is only with you, and maybe the family she some day creates?
A legacy. Her legacy.
If your tween or teen is searching for something, seeking a piece of herself that she can't find on social media now matter how hard she tries, give her the gift of introspection, reflection, creation and connection right here with me, Elise Campbell Photography.